How to Study Abroad – Ultimate Guide to Indian Students

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  • User AvatarLovey Jain
  • 14 Jul, 2024
  • 9 Mins Read

How to Study Abroad – Ultimate Guide to Indian Students

Millions of Indian students migrate to abroad countries on the verge of international education. The desire to study in world-class universities is increasing day by day in order to broaden their horizon and exposure to top-notch industries. 

Gaining a unique educational experience, a myriad of opportunities to immerse yourself, and meeting several new people around the world are still a dream of many people. So, to make this dream a reality, there are several factors you must consider, from planning your study to financial considerations. 

Hence, the blog ahead will explore the stellar reasons why pursuing study abroad is beneficial and provide a comprehensive guide on how to make it happen. Let’s get started!

Why You Should Study Abroad?

Have you ever wondered how your dream coming true can give you benefits you haven’t thought about yet? Let’s explore what are the main reasons to give it a damn.

#1. Personal Growth and Independence

Pursuing study abroad is not just a journey but also an adventure that can go beyond your academic life. It’s a transformative experience fostering your personal development and independence. 

Living in a new country challenges you to adapt to new environments, become self-reliant, and gain problem-solving skills. Such experiences of navigating a completely new country, managing your finances on your own, and overcoming a language barrier build confidence. 

#2. Cultural Immersion

One of the most attractive aspects of pursuing study overseas is the prospect of immersing yourself in a new culture, which provides you with a deeper understanding of diversity worldwide. 

Indian students can experience new traditions, multi-cuisines, vibrant festivals, and adapt to different lifestyles that broaden their worldview and enhance cultural sensitivity. This cultural exposure is of utmost exposure in today’s globalised world, where intercultural competence is highly valued. 

#3. Academic Excellence

Several students choose to study abroad to gain access to world-class education and cutting-edge facilities. There are many prominent institutions with state-of-the-art research facilities in countries like USA, UK, Canada, Australia, and others. 

pursuing study abroad at universities and colleges in these countries allows Indian students to learn from leading professors in the various fields of study, acquiring access to global resources and innovative technologies. 

#4. Career Opportunities

Employers increasingly value the skills and experiences gained while pursuing study abroad. International education reveals your adaptability, global perspective, and ability to thrive in diverse settings. 

Many Indian students also take advantage of internships and work opportunities in their host countries, gaining hands-on experience and developing professional networks that can help them advance their careers.

#5. Language Acquisition

Living and pursuing study in a foreign country is an excellent way to learn a new language or improve your language skills. Being immersed in a language environment forces Indian students to practice daily, which accelerates the learning process. Bilingual or multilingual skills are extremely valuable in the global job market and can lead to a variety of career opportunities.

#6. Networking and Friendships

pursuing study abroad enables Indian students to expand their global network of friends and professional contacts. Friendships formed with other international students and locals can last a lifetime and provide invaluable support networks. Networking with peers, professors, and industry professionals in the host country can lead to collaboration and career advancement.

How to Study Abroad?

Although learning why you should study abroad is significant, a deeper understanding of how you should study abroad is also important. Thus, let’s delve into some insights for pursuing study abroad. 

Research and Planning

The initial step for pursuing study abroad is extensive research and planning, so consider the factors listed below:

  • Destination: Choose a country that is compatible with your academic and personal goals. Explore the academic system, culture, cost of living, and safety.
  • Universities and Programs: Identify which universities and programs offer the courses or degrees you are interested in. Look for institutions with an impressive reputation in your field of study.
  • Admission Requirements: Consider each university’s admission requirements, which include academic qualifications, language proficiency tests (such as IELTS or TOEFL), and application deadlines.
  • Financial Considerations: Calculate the total cost of pursuing study abroad, including tuition, housing, transportation, and living expenses. Look into scholarship, grant, and financial aid options.

Application Process

The application process to study abroad can be competitive and time-consuming. You must follow these steps to enhance your chances of success:

  • Prepare Documents: Gather all required documents, such as transcripts, letters of recommendation, a statement of purpose, and a resume. Ensure that these documents meet each university’s specific requirements.
  • Standardised tests: Register and prepare for the standardised tests required by your preferred universities, such as the SAT, GRE, GMAT, IELTS, or TOEFL. Allow enough time for test preparation.
  • Compelling Statement of Purpose: Your statement of purpose is a critical component of your application. Explain your academic objectives, the reasons for selecting the specific program and university, and how pursuing study abroad fits into your long-term career plans.
  • Apply early: Submit your applications well ahead of the deadlines. Applying early provides an advantage and allows you to address any issues that may arise during the application process.

Securing Financial Support and Scholarships

Pursuing study abroad can be highly expensive including educational and living costs but you can still apply for scholarships and financial aid. 

  • Scholarships and Grants: Many universities and organizations award scholarships and grants to international students based on academic achievement, financial need, or other criteria. Explore and apply for these opportunities.
  • Student Loans: Look into student loan options in both your home country and the host country. Compare interest rates, repayment schedules, and eligibility requirements.
  • Part-Time Work: Make sure your student visa allows you to work part-time while pursuing study internationally. Part-time jobs can help with living expenses while also providing valuable work experience.

Visa and Immigration

Getting a student visa for abroad countries is a crucial step in the application process. To apply for visa and immigration, you must follow these guidelines. 

  • Research Visa Requirements: Each country has its own visa requirements and application procedures. For the most recent and accurate information, go to the official government websites.
  • Prepare documentation. Gather all necessary documents, such as your passport, acceptance letter from the university, proof of financial support, and health insurance.
  • Schedule an Interview: Certain countries require a visa interview as part of the application process. Prepare for the interview by reviewing common questions and making sure you have all the required documents.
  • Apply early. Visa processing times vary, so apply for a student visa as soon as you receive your university acceptance letter.

Accommodation and Living Arrangements

After all the settings, Indian students must also seek accommodation options and living arrangements. So, let’s take a look at them.

  • University Accommodation: Many universities provide on-campus housing for international students. This option offers convenience and the opportunity to meet other students.
  • Private Rentals: If on-campus housing is unavailable, consider private rental options such as apartments, shared houses, or homestays. Use reputable websites and seek guidance from the university’s housing office.
  • Budgeting: Make a budget for your living expenses, such as rent, utilities, food, transportation, and entertainment. Stay within your budget to avoid financial stress.


To conclude, pursuing study abroad is a transformative experience that provides numerous benefits, including personal growth, cultural immersion, academic excellence, and career opportunities. However, it necessitates meticulous planning, financial preparation, and adaptability. 

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can successfully navigate the process and maximize your international education experience. Accept the challenges and opportunities that come your way, and you will come away with valuable skills, memories, and a global perspective to help you in your future endeavours.

Ready to study abroad? Start your journey today with Foreign Pathway! Get expert advice on choosing the right program, securing funding, navigating visas, and adjusting to new cultures. Contact us now at +91-9636999878 or Your transformative educational experience awaits!


Q1. What are the reasons you want to study abroad?

Answer: Studying abroad provides numerous compelling reasons, including unparalleled global exposure, firsthand experience with diverse cultures, and access to high-quality education at world-renowned universities. Many students choose to study abroad because it broadens their perspectives, teaches them valuable language skills, and gives them a competitive advantage in the global job market. Living and pursuing study abroad also promotes independence, adaptability, and cross-cultural understanding, all of which are increasingly valuable qualities in today’s interconnected world.

Q2. Why do you want to study abroad and why not in India?

Answer: While India has many excellent educational institutions, pursuing study abroad often provides access to universities with higher global rankings, more specialized academic programs, and cutting-edge research opportunities. International exposure and networking opportunities can significantly improve career prospects by providing a broader range of professional connections and job opportunities in various countries and industries.

Q3. How are you prepared to study abroad?

Answer: Planning to study abroad necessitates extensive research and preparation. Prospective students should conduct extensive research on universities and programs that will help them achieve their academic and professional goals. Language proficiency tests, such as IELTS or TOEFL, are typically required to demonstrate English language skills, whereas financial planning is critical for covering tuition, living expenses, and possibly obtaining scholarships or financial aid.

Q3. Which is the best country for study?

Answer: Students’ personal preferences and academic pursuits must be considered when deciding on a study destination. The United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada are popular destinations due to their world-class universities, diverse student communities, and strong international student support systems. Each country provides distinct benefits, such as post-study employment opportunities or specialized programmes in specific fields.

Q4. What is the eligibility to study abroad?

Answer: Eligibility to study abroad typically requires meeting academic criteria established by universities, demonstrating English proficiency through standardised tests, and demonstrating financial ability to support oneself during the study period. This includes having enough money for tuition, housing, and living expenses, as well as meeting visa requirements unique to each country.

Q5. Which exam to go abroad?

Answer: Common exams required for pursuing study abroad include the IELTS or TOEFL for English proficiency and the GRE or GMAT for specific graduate programs, particularly in the United States. These exams evaluate students’ language skills and academic aptitude, ensuring that they are prepared for the rigours of international academic settings.

Q6. Is it easy to go abroad after the 12th?

Answer: With proper planning, students can begin pursuing study abroad as soon as they complete secondary education (12th grade). Depending on your academic background and preferences, you can choose foundation courses, diplomas, or direct entry into undergraduate programs abroad.

Q7. Can I study abroad for free?

Answer: While pursuing study abroad for free is difficult, scholarships, grants, and exchange programs provide ways to offset costs. Many universities around the world offer scholarships based on academic merit, financial need, or other specific criteria, providing financial assistance to qualified students.

Q8. How much percentage is required for study abroad?

Answer: Academic requirements for pursuing study abroad typically include a competitive academic record, often exceeding 60-70%, depending on the university and program. Strong academic performance demonstrates capability and readiness to meet the academic demands of international study.

Q9. Is IELTS difficult?

Answer: IELTS, a widely accepted English language proficiency test, can be difficult but manageable if properly prepared and practised. It evaluates a student’s listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills, with scores reflecting their ability to communicate effectively in an academic setting.

Q10. How do I manage homesickness while pursuing study abroad?

Answer: You must keep in touch with family and friends through regular video calls. Join clubs and meet new people to become more immersed in the local culture. Maintain a routine of familiar activities and seek help from the university counselling services. Homesickness typically fades as you adjust and establish a new support network.

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